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Physician Mailing Lists

Physicians comprise an outstanding cross-section as a target market. This is because they buy specialty equipment like medical books and medical equipment, yet they are also business owners with the same needs as any other business office. This includes items like computer software, fax machines, office desks and chairs, and other equipment. If you secure the right physician mailing lists, you can accurately target a very unique market.

Mail House Direct can secure those lists for you. Our professional marketers and list brokers can assist you with identifying the lists that are the most current and accurate and from the most reliable sources. We can review your campaign and make recommendations for the lists that best match your needs, which in turn gets you a much better response rate. We can also negotiate on your behalf to get the best price for your lists.

At Mail House Direct we can sharpen your focus further by researching hundreds of specific selects in order to find the most likely prospects for your offer. The following is a partial list of some of the criteria we can sort:

  • Specialty
  • Secondary specialty
  • Practice setting
  • Size of practice
  • Area of professional interest
  • Area codes
  • Clinics or group practices
  • Geographic region by state, city, or zip code

We can also get lists with contact information for office managers, business managers, and hospital administrators, since these are often the people who make the actual financial decisions for the doctor. Furthermore, our lists contain phone numbers, addresses, and e-mail addresses.

One advantage to sourcing out lists for doctors and health professionals is that they are registered everywhere. We have access to many physician mailing lists, and the following is a sample of some of the lists we can access on your behalf. Keep in mind that we are industry experts who know which sources are the most reliable, and which sources should be avoided.

  • American Medical Association
  • American Board of Medical Specialties
  • American Medical Student Association
  • Little Blue Book of Physicians
  • Medical Economics magazine
  • Medical Group Management Association
  • International physicians
  • Massachusetts Medical Society
  • PDR Database of Physicians
  • Continuing Medical Education lists

Most of these lists have between one hundred thousand and as much as eight hundred thousand physicians! And this is only a few of the physicians lists we have access to.

With so many options, you may be wondering how to figure out which lists are best for your specific campaign. This is the area where we can be of the most assistance. We take the time to understand your individual marketing campaign so that we can make recommendations that will optimize your campaign success. We have the expertise, resources and experience to help you with every step of your marketing campaign.

We go to all this extra effort on your behalf because we know once you experience the thrill of a truly profitable campaign, you'll come back to us the next time you're ready to launch a marketing promotion.

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