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Apartment Mailing Lists

More than thirty per cent of Americans reside in rental units of some kind, such as home rentals, apartments, condos, or retirement homes. That figure translates to over eighty million people who can be reached directly with apartment mailing lists. In highly populated urban centers, such as New York City, nearly seventy per cent of the residents are renters, which means more than one hundred and eighty million people - or potential customers-who can be targeted by apartment mailing lists.

The cost of renting in large urban cities makes sense because in many cases the properties are too expensive for most people to buy. In addition, renting involves little or no maintenance responsibilities, no big down payment, and no investment risks. The city location is ideal in terms of convenient transportation, as well as nearby entertainment, restaurants, and cultural venues. Renters in general tend to have more disposable income available to spend on such non-essential expenses.

A significant portion of the renters in urban centers do plan to eventually own a home, which makes them ideal prospects for many related services and products. For example, they could be targeted for home loans, moving services, realtor offers, insurance needs, and home assessment services.

Locate Your Ideal Market with Mail House Direct

The best way to pinpoint your market is to develop a profile of your ideal customer before buying your apartment mailing lists. Ask yourself some relevant questions, like is your target demographic comprised of people who are married, single, working, retired, or in a particular profession? What kind of entertainment do they prefer? Do they travel? These questions help you to narrow your focus to the exact type of individual who may be interested in your product or services. Once you've done that, leave the problem of how to find them to us! That's our specialty at Mail House Direct.

Mail House Direct professionals are experienced in pinpointing targeted prospects in your apartment mailing lists. We utilize a wide variety of specific demographics such as the following:

  • Geographic location
  • Credit card holders
  • Income level
  • Marital status
  • Length of residence
  • Type of rental unit
  • Presence of children/pets
  • Automobile owners

Knowing your precise target market will lower your marketing costs and significantly increase the volume of responses. This translates into higher revenues and a more profitable bottom line for your business.

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Contact Mail House Direct today and let us help you to create your most successful and lucrative marketing campaign ever.

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