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Direct Mailing ListsMail House Direct can help you to more effectively target your markets by locating the most reliable sources available for your direct mail lists. Then we take it a giant step further by going above and beyond what other brokers do; we carefully evaluate your campaign and identify the best prospects that have the ability to purchase immediately. We understand that direct mail lists are the most important element of your marketing campaign, and that no matter how persuasive your offer is, it falls on deaf ears if you target the wrong people. Still, there are several pitfalls and missteps that even experienced direct marketers may make. At Mail House Direct we are aware of all the facets of a marketing campaign, and can advise our clients on how to steer clear of mistakes. The following is a list of some common major errors to avoid: Proofread all the Details The most universal mistake is failing to completely proof read your piece. Most people do try to hone their sales pitch, but often forget to double check their own phone numbers, business address, and email address. This is, of course, completely counter-productive to your campaign, since your targeted recipients cannot respond to your offer if your information is wrong. You lose money not only lost sales, but also on the cost of your marketing campaign. Make certain that your graphics don't cover the USPS barcode or otherwise confuse the barcode reader. You will miss out on the bulk rate discount, which may end up costing you thousands of dollars in extra postage if the postal service equipment cannot clearly read the barcode. The best method of avoiding this kind of error is to send your mailing house a proof before you go into a full printing. In fact, contact your mailing house as far in advance of your launch date as possible. They can check that the barcode placement is right, and ensure that you avoid other mistakes such as using envelopes too large for maximum postal discounts, creating packages that are too heavy, and using marketing materials that are incompatible with automated stuffing equipment. All of these are issues that can seriously sabotage your direct mail campaign. Take Your Time and Plan Ahead Rushing into your marketing campaign invariably costs you in the long run, since in most cases there will be major mistakes that negatively impact your response rate, return on investment, and sales. Even small mistakes can be devastating. It really is worth it to give yourself a good two or three months to plan your campaign, obtain your mailing lists, and mail out your offer. Prior to sending out the full marketing campaign, it's a good idea to perform a test mailing of a few thousand pieces. This not only helps to identify weak areas in your offer, but also helps sharpen your target market even further by pinpointing which demographics respond most favorably. Keep in mind that on average it takes a few successive mailings before you get a full response. In many cases an individual will not respond until the third time around, when their resistance is finally broken down, or they have managed to budget for purchasing your offer. Mail House Direct - the Industry Experts Come to us for all your direct mail lists. We can identify your most likely prospects, and work directly with your marketing team to analyze feedback from your customer responses. We can evaluate your target demographics based on your test results and our own research. Plus we make sure the format and content of your direct mail campaign is on target. Contact Mail House Direct today and let's get started on your most lucrative direct mail marketing campaign ever! |